Full Moon in Capricorn: Walking Your Talk

This month’s full moon is in Capricorn occurs on Monday 3rd July at 12.39pm UK time. A Capricorn full moon always occurs during the Cancer season, when with the Sun in the sign of the sensitive crab, with the Moon opposed to it in Capricorn, the sign of the hardy goat. Cancer represents everything that we have been, and part of our work is to honour the past during the Cancer season, and to recognise the the patterns that have supported us historically, including those that have traumatised us. And to recognise also, that we cling to these patterns whether they have wounded us or assisted us on our journey. We hang onto them because they are so familiar to us, so deeply embedded in memory that we repeat them no matter how much they might perpetuate suffering. Capricorn, by contrast, connects us to our purpose and to our vocational direction; it calls us to stand up and be counted. It calls for nothing less than the initiation of the soul. So you could imagine that this full moon is really about taking a step beyond your comfort zone, moving beyond the familiar haven of the past, with all its addictive patterns and behaviours, and committing to the purpose which which your soul is charged, walking with integrity through through the world, walking your talk.

The Sun and Moon are opposed at 11˚ of their respective signs. So this is will be tend to an especially potent full moon theme if you have your Sun, Moon, Ascendant or a personal planet around this degree of the cardinal signs: Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra.

A tension between heart and mind

The Moon is in an applying opposition to Mercury in Cancer, which is closely conjunct the Sun. This sets up a tension between how we understand something intellectually and how we process an experience through our feelings. When the moon is in pragmatic Capricorn, we tend to shoulder the emotional burden and just get on with things, but there is a cost to this, and with Mercury in sensitive Cancer, there is a need to keep returning to the source of the soul’s longing in order to really understand what is occurring.

Food for the soul

The moon is just separating from a trine to Jupiter in Taurus, with a tight 2˚ orb, which expands the capacity for our feelings to be integrated within a wider field of meaning. Being an earthy trine, this is best served by slowing everything down, nourishing the senses, connecting to the body and the earth. A meaningful correspondence is like food for the soul, it helps us to feel at home in ourselves and in the world, and a Moon-Jupiter trine can help with this, especially when it is grounded in wholesome connections that are given the proper time to form and take root.

Doing what is necessary

With the Sun in Cancer, we feel the tug of the soul, the call home, the need to protect what is sacred, to care for our family, and to have our innermost emotional needs nurtured. With the moon in Capricorn, by contrast, there is an equally strong need to step up and take control, to take responsibility in the situations with which we are faced. Capricorn takes care of the structure, but is remote from feeling, and is thus not a comfortable sign for the moon. It prioritises practical, longer term goals over the tidal ebb and flow of lunar, emotional experience.

We may need to make a more authentic alignment between our homing instinct and our vocational calling, one that honours both the deep roots of who we are, and the mission with which we are charged. The energy of this full moon holds us fast to our commitment. While it may feel like our freedom to do whatever we like is being impinged upon, it can help us to stay on track and focus more on what it is really important and do what is necessary.

A challenging period for Venus

We also note that Venus, in Leo, is in a hard square aspect to Uranus, which can de-stabilise certain relationship dynamics, setting up a strong compulsion for freedom and independence. Venus appears to be forming a passionate, fiery conjunction with Mars in Leo, just three degrees away, but this conjunction fails to perfect due to the fact that Venus is slowing down ahead of her 40-day retrograde period which begins on 23rd July and lasts until 4th September. This retrograde cycle significantly extends Venus’s stay in Leo and ushers in a period of deep inner reflection on love and relationships, with a particular emphasis on Leonine themes of autheniticity, loyalty, honour and the full-hearted expression of love.

Time to assess what is taking shape

Whatever new impulse or opportunity was seeded in us at the new moon two weeks ago is now ready to be realised and some its potential is able to be harvested or manifested in some way. This earthy Capricorn full moon follows on from an airy Gemini new moon, where a lot of new ideas were scattered to the winds, and now it is to time to assess what is actually taking shape, after a period of unpredictable change and new initiative. It is time to see what is working, and what isn’t, and proceed with a realistic plan, according to what is realisable and achievable.

My Capricorn mantra runs thus:

“I carry the wisdom of the elders, and the strength to complete the task I am set.”

Full Moon blessings to everyone.

New Foundation Course in Astrology: Starting 10th Oct 2023

We are very excited to be offering a new foundation course here at Kairos Astrology. It will be vibrant, fun and impactful, offering a uniquely experiential and embodied approach to learning astrology online.

This comprehensive astrology programme will give you all the foundational skills you need to understand the language of astrology, to interpret a birth chart, and to understand the nature and significance of planetary cycles, transits and progressions.

And we will be delivering that in a way that really brings astrology to life! In addition to the rich, deep material presented each week, you will also meet the signs, planets and aspects of astrology through mask, music and theatre and be invited to engage in an exploration of your own birth, including optional creative projects to deepen your learning.

The course is delivered through 27 live classes of 2 hours, run over three terms. The live, interactive classes are held on Tuesdays at 5pm UK time. They will be hosted by myself, John Wadsworth, with the assistance of fellow course tutors Tamsin St George, Gillian Crawford & Melissa Gledhill.

Click here for more details…


New Moon in Cancer: Bringing it Home


New Moon in Taurus: Take it Slow & Let it Grow