The Kairos School Code of Ethics

Holders of The Kairos School of Astrology Diploma award agree to observe the following criteria in the undertaking of all my astrological work.

a)  To act at all times in the client's best interest, and respect the dignity and worth of every human being and their right to self-determination. To recognise and encourage the autonomy of the client, and to support them, with sensitivity and compassion, toward making their own decisions.

b) To preserve the confidentiality and anonymity of the client and anything they might share during a consultation.  To take great care in the publication or presentation of case material and to maintain that anonymity, unless permission is explicitly granted by the client in stated, specific situations.

c) To ensure that a client is made fully aware of the way that a session is to be conducted, the duration and nature of the consultation, and the fees involved, before any work is undertaken.

d) To seek regular supervision from an appropriately qualified professional in order to reflect upon and improve practice.  

e) To maintain a level of personal awareness around potentially triggering situations in consultations with clients, and to seek appropriate support if the occasion arises.

e) To ensure that potential clients, whose needs are judged to be beyond the remit of an astrological consultation, are referred to an appropriately qualified and experienced individual or agency.

f) Not to offer any medical, legal or financial advice to a client based on astrological judgments, unless appropriate skills or qualifications have been obtained.

g) To treat public figures with the same respect afforded to private clients with regard to their personal and emotional life, and state of health.  Astrological judgments should be confined to the public role for which they are known, and not in a manner that is likely to bring astrology or the Kairos School into disrepute.

h) To maintain the highest standards of behaviour and integrity in all dealings with clients, and to respect professional boundaries. To act in a way that is a credit to astrology, and to the Kairos School. 

The Kairos School of Astrology Good Practice Guidelines

The primary art and skill of the astrologer is to expand or deepen a client’s enquiry into whatever area of life for which they are seeking clarity.  We do not do this by telling our clients what they should or should not do based on astrological judgements.  Rather, we can help inform our client’s choices by offering an astrological perspective, expanding or deepening their own field of enquiry, so that they can come to their own judgment.   

This is the primary art and skill of the astrologer trained and endorsed by Kairos School of Astrology.

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